The IEEE New Zealand North Section is pleased to provide this Consultants' Directory of its members who have made themselves available for employment as consultants or expert witnesses. The information contained in this Directory is based on the information provided by and representations made by the listed consultants. The IEEE New Zealand North Section has not checked or verified this information and makes no representations concerning the accuracy or completeness of any information in the Directory. The IEEE New Zealand North Section strongly advises the client to evaluate independently the consultant's qualifications and background before commissioning the consultant's services. The IEEE New Zealand North Section, and/or its individual affiliates and/or their members shall not be liable for any consequences resulting from the use of any of the information contained herein.
Listing in this database is offered as a service to IEEE NZ North members, although non-IEEE New Zealand domiciled engineers may list for 12 months, after which their entry will be deleted if they have not become an IEEE member during their listing period. Listing in this database is entirely at the consultant's own risk. The listing consultant agrees that the IEEE, its paid officers, volunteers or hosting service will be held blameless for any consequences, financial or otherwise, that may result from the use of this service. If you do not agree to the above terms and conditions, please do not use this service.
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